Political analysts have welcomed former vice president Kembo Mohadi’s resignation with a pinch of salt, saying he would have been forced to resign by President Emmerson Mnangagwa in a calculated move.

Renowned political commentator, Dr Pedzisai Ruhanya believes Mohadi’s resignation is a calculated move by President Mnangagwa, crafted consolidate his grip on power.

He says what boggles the mind is that ZANU-PF leaders have even committed very serious crimes than that of Mohadi, but still remain in office.

“Those who committed heinous crimes don’t resign, are never prosecuted under ZANU PF,” he says.

Ruhanya posits that by ZANU PF standards, Mohadi’s case is a very small matter, and under normal circumstances he would not have resigned over it.

“How does a ZANU PF VP resign over this when all of them have committed even worse crimes.

“What is the story behind the story? Mathuthu and Zimlive should dig deeper and give us more,” he says.

He adds that this could be Mnangagwa’s message to the other VP that he too could be dispensed as well over scandals.

“What is the message that ED is sending to ZANU PF and his presidium?

“This is a major political development in ZANU PF politics and the other VP should think,” he adds.

Another political analyst, Elder Mabhunu concurs with Ruhanya, adding that Mnangagwa would have forced Mohadi to resign so that he will fill the post with someone who would help him to neutralise Constantino Chiwenga.

He says Mnangagwa could be behind the whole matter from the audio leaks to the actual resignation.

Prominent political analyst, Alex Magaisa believes Mohadi was arm-twisted by Mnangagwa to resign.

“On a more serious note, it is the wisdom of the elders that when a leopard wants to eat its children, it first accuses them of smelling like goats.

“It is not by accident that Vice President Kembo Mohadi is being accused of smelling like a he goat,” he says.

He adds that a statement in Mohadi’s resignation letter shows that he was forced to resign.

“I arrived at this decision not as a matter of cowardice, but as a sign demonstrating great respect to the office of the President”.

“What Kembo is actually saying is:

“If it were up to me, I would not have jumped, but the President has asked me to jump,” Magaisa says.

Meanwhile, a few days ago Mohadi held a press conference and vowed that he was not going to resign.

He said only President Mnangagwa was going to decide his political fate, and his change of mind has left many convinced that he was forced to resign.
