President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has accused Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) members of burning houses in Shurugwi and has ordered the police to get to the bottom of the matter and bring culprits to book.

Speaking through his spokesperson George Charamba, President Mnangagwa warned those who are trying to disturb peace.

“The President decried Triple C violence in Shurugwi where six homes were torched.

“The President revealed he has ordered the Police to track down the Triple C culprits who do not seem to want or cherish peace,” Charamba wrote on one of his ghost Twitter account Toedza Zvimwe.

Over the years, Zimbabwe’s elections have been characterised by politically motivated violence.

In most cases, ZANU PF members who reportedly claim that they are above the law have been accused of violence.

However, the ruling party has always denied the allegations saying they are a peaceful party.
