Norton Independent member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has pleaded with First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa to intervene on the case of a 9 year old girl who allegedly gave birth recently.

“The case of the 9 year old girl who gave birth is saddening and an indictment against our supposed enlightenment and high levels of education. The law has to be applied vehemently.

“What’s unfortunate is that we actually have religious groups and organisations involved in these practices and yet we act surprised. Kana zvichidai tichiri vanhu here? I appeal to the First Lady saMai venyika to employ the use of her office to intervene into these issues,” says Mliswa.

He added that the country cannot have politics being allowed to pave way for such paedophilic customs.

“A strong line has to be drawn that this won’t be tolerated. The truth should be spoken to these churches. After all what scriptural support is there to back such lustful habits?” He says.

His sentiments comes after a 9 year old girl who was reportedly impregnated by goblins reportedly gave birth.

It is reported she had to go under medical operation as doctors helped her deliver.
