Norton independent Member of Parliament, Temba Mliswa says he is contemplating approaching the courts for an interdict to stop further housing development in his constituency.

He says Norton has no water, adds that he is surprised as to why developers would want to sell properties to people where there’s no water.

He points out that the sewer reticulation and service delivery on the whole is poor.

Mliswa says for as long as these basics are not in place, development cannot happen and potential homeowners will continue to be fleeced of their hard earned money, hence his idea to approach the courts.

“I’ll soon be approaching the courts for an interdict to prevent any further housing developments in Norton until the current infrastructure in terms of social amenities is well augmented and can support the existing demand,” says Mliswa.

The Norton legislator bemoans rampant land corruption, being done by people who are allegedly being shielded by ZANU PF.

“I’ve said Chombo was the Godfather of land barons and ZANU-PF can’t exonerate itself by arresting Chombo only as there’s more to it.

“Billy Rautenbach is another but he seems protected.

“There should be consistency in arresting and prosecuting these land barons,” he says.

Meanwhile, former cabinet minister Ignatius Chombo who was recently arrested on allegations of corruption involving land dealings, has been freed on bail.
