Water levels in a number of the country’s major dams have risen following the rainfall activity that is currently being experienced in various parts of the country.

Some major dams have already started spilling, dams such as Tugwi -Mukosi had its first spill few days ago, since its construction some years ago.

Downstream communities were earmarked for evacuation. Of About 800 families in 5 Wards identified for evacuation centers or relatives, only 124 families in Ward 22 have indicated willingness to be evacuated.

However, it is reported that despite the Mazowe Dam is yet to feel the impact of the current rains because of illegal mining activities and river bank cultivation.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Nick Mangwana says;

“Unlike other dams everywhere else that are filling up and spilling, Mazowe Dam is still below 50% despite of the above normal rains.

“This is probably because of illegal mining ventures and river bank agricultural activities causing massive siltation.The law will be enforced.”
