A daring teenage herdboy from Masvingo will live to rue the day he forcibly bonked his employer’s daughter after he was slapped with a 12-year-sentence for rape by Gweru regional magistrate, Phathekile Msipha.
The jailed herdboy, Thomas Marozva (19), of Chikanda Village under Chief Nemauzhe from Masvingo had two years to his sentence suspended on condition of good behaviour.
It is the state’s case that, on April 26 at around 6pm last year, Marozva who was working as a herdboy for a Shurugwi family, was left in custody of her lady boss’ 12-year-old daughter after she had gone to attend an all-night church service in Gweru.
An hour later, Marozva allegedly came back to the complainant’s room, gained entry through the window that he forced open and slept next to the girl. When he started touching the complainant, the minor allegedly kicked him. The court also heard that the complainant also asked who it was, but Marozva did not respond and went out of the room.
Moments later, Marozva reportedly broke into his victim’s room using the same modus operandi. Upon gaining access into the room, he reportedly went straight to the bed where the girl was sleeping and raped her once.
Although he pleaded not guilty to the charge, Marozva was convicted at full trial and slapped with 12 years. He could spend just ten years behind the bars after two years were suspended on condition of good behaviour.
In passing sentence, Msipha said Marozva had been entrusted with taking care of her employer’s daughter but instead turned rapist. Kelvin Guveya prosecuted.

State Media