Bulawayo City Council will on Monday next week reintroduce the 48-hour water rationing schedule across all suburbs following the depletion of the city’s water reservoirs.

Various suburbs in Bulawayo will be without water on different days.

Nkulumane, Nketa, Sizinda, Tshabalala, Bellevue, Newton West, West Somerton, Cowdray Park, Emakhandeni, Gwabalanda, Maplanka, Barbourfields, Mzilikazi, Nguboyenja, Makokoba, Hillside South, South Riding, Fourwinds, Hillside, Northend, Tegela, Romney Park, Paddonhurst suburbs will affected by the water-shedding on Monday to Wednesday.

Again on Monday and Wednesday, there will be no water in Sunnyside, Morningside, Rowena, Montrose, Southwold, Greenhill, Barham Green, Kenilworth, Ilanda, Burnside and Mbalabala Barracks as well as Mzinyathini Irrigation Scheme.

From Tuesday to Thursday, Esigodini, Imbizo Barracks, Fortunes Gate, Selborne Park, Matsheumhlophe, Parklands, Khumalo, Queenspark, Suburbs, Mahatshula, Woodville, and Kingsdale suburbs will be without water.

Between Wednesday and Friday, Harrisvale, Jungle, Trenance, Richmond, Sauerstown Neqi, Emganwini, Pumula, Nketa 9, Luveve, Magwegwe, Njube, Entumbane, Mpopoma, Lobengula, Mabutweni, Iminyela, Pelandaba, and Matshobane will be dry.

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