The Permanent Secretary of Information and Publicity, Nick Mangwana has teased opposition parties, human rights defenders, and the US Ambassador to Zimbabwe for being ‘sidestepped’ after they requested to meet the South African envoy to Zimbabwe.

This is after SA President Cyril Ramaphosa dispatched his special envoy to Zimbabwe, for a dialogue on how to end the socio-political crisis in Zimbabwe.

In that regard, human rights groups, opposition parties, Non-governmental Organisations, and the US Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Brian Nichols had requested for a meeting with the delegation.

In response to the request, Ace Magashule, the delegation leader said the team would meet the other stakeholders next time, they visit Harare again.

Meanwhile, Mangwana waded into the response, mockingly telling the stakeholders to be patient until next time.

“Others who requested to be met like, Dr Simba Makoni, ZAPU, Zimbabwe Human Rights Forum, MDC-Alliance and US Ambassador, you need to be patient.

“There will be a next time -Cde,” he said.

Meanwhile, some analysts have maintained that for as long as the envoy sidesteps meeting the other stakeholders, it is going to be difficult to find a lasting solution to Zimbabwe’s problems.

Prominent political commentator Dr Pedzisai Ruhanya says, without meeting the other stakeholders, ANC would be barking at the wrong tree.

“The ANC was dealing with the wrong people, security guards at a company and not the stockholders.

“ZANU PF is a command and militaristic outfit and what the command structure decides is what happens.

“Those structures called Politburo, Central Committee etc a just bogus, useless,” he says.