Gospel sensation and entrepreneur Mambo Dhuterere, born Darlington Mutseta, is facing a barrage of accusations ranging from bed-hopping to domestic violence and drug dealing. The 31-year-old artist, however, dismisses these claims as part of a movement to tarnish his reputation.

In an interview with H-Metro, Dhuterere shared his perspective on the challenges he faced last year, asserting that social media often fosters false narratives. He highlighted that despite the allegations, he and his wife stood strong together, emphasizing that no evidence was presented to substantiate the accusations.

Dhuterere pointed out that some individuals spreading rumors were well-known social media figures seeking attention and resorting to fabrications to boost their online presence. He expressed confidence in his marriage, stating, “I am always with my wife, she never abandoned me because we have a strong bond that no one can ever break.”

Addressing the trolling on social media, Dhuterere characterized those behind it as agents of the devil, warning that false information could mislead people who believe in him. He recounted an incident where he was accused of being a drug dealer and BronCleer supplier in Harare, noting that a police search in Plumtree yielded no evidence.

Reflecting on his past struggles, Dhuterere admitted to being a chain smoker and heavy drinker while in Botswana. However, he credited divine intervention for helping him quit both habits after receiving a prophecy that prompted a three-day fast. Despite the challenges, Dhuterere remains steadfast in his faith, underscoring the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of unfounded accusations.