The Poverty Liberation Movement (PLM), which is a mass movement pushing for a pro-poor and just society in Zimbabwe, joins the rest of the continent and world in commemorating Africa Day 2020.

This year, Africa Day is being held under the theme, Silencing The Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development and Intensifying the Fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic.

PLM says the theme puts to the fore three devils tormenting our continent and driving poverty.

Firstly, due to inequality and injustice as well as greed, a significant of Africa is living in war situations.

PLM says even those not at war like Zimbabwe, the people live in fear of gun toting thugs who shoot and kill on behalf of the state.

“The police and military under instruction of unscrupulous politicians have declared war on citizens who dare ask for their fair share of the national cake,” adds the movement.

Memories of 1 August 2018 and the dark events of January 2019 come to mind.

Secondly, according to the PLM, theme calls to the centre the need to develop the African continent and liberate millions of people from the shackles of poverty.

As the PLM, we recognise this need as urgent and requiring a revolutionary approach to deal with. The levels of poverty especially in Zimbabwe makes a mockery to the liberation struggles which brought about majority rule to the nation,” adds PLM.

The movement goes further to state that it is saddening that the former liberators have become reptiles feeding off the population.

“The jaw dropping poverty we are suffering in the country and continent at large is rooted in misgovernance by the former liberation fighters and this requires the current generation to change this sorry situation.

“As the PLM we declare it as our mandate to drive forward the liberation from poverty with urgency,” notes PLM.

Thirdly, the theme asks us to reflect on how the continent has faired in the fight against the COVID19 pandemic which has wrecked havoc across the globe.

For Africa and Zimbabwe in particular the response to COVID19 has been characterised by lack of clarity, asymmetrical communication, state brutality and deepening of poverty.

“This reflects the fact our government lacks the resources and political will to ably respond to this deadly threat to our health. The poor as always have been the most affected,” adds the movement.

PLM says this Africa Day 2020 should be taken as a moment to reflect and gather momentum to the liberation movement of the poor.

“The battles against poverty ahead would require renewed energy and belief that our continent and country can change for the better. It all lies in people power and we the poor are the people and the time is now!!” Notes the PLM.