President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s sympathiser Killer Zivhu has implored fellow Zimbabweans not to be obsessed with mocking Movement for Democratic Change-Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa saying he could be the next President.

Zivhu who is former ZANU-PF Member of Parliament for Chivi South says Zimbabweans should learn Zambia, where an opposition leader became President.

He adds that people should even from what happened between Grace Mugabe and the current President.

Grace used to mock Mnangagwa, but at the end, he became President.

“Mukatuka Chamisa pose pose munoita kuti vanhu vamude kudarika wamurikuda kuporomota wacho.

“Dzidzayi pana Grace na ED zvituko zvawandisa zvakazoguma seyi.

“Siyanayi naye Chamisa itayi sokuti haako munomupa mbiri muchifunga kuti murikugonera wamunoda wacho ndozvakaitika Zambia,” says Zivhu.
