In a confusing development, the Zanu-PF youth league has revised its corruption list by absolving  Zanu PF MP and businessman, Tinoda Machakaire of corruption after naming him last month among party officials involved in graft.

Speaking during a rally in Wedza over the weekend, youth league national political commissar Godfrey Tsengengamu claimed that Machakaire had brought evidence to the league to prove that he was not corrupt. Said Tsenengamu:

I am among those who named him, but unlike others on the list who threatened us with lawsuits and some verbally, Machakaire brought evidence to prove that he was not corrupt.

We have seen some trying to sue us, it’s very clear that they want to hide something.

However, the development is contrary to assertions made by the Youth League’s deputy secretary, Lewis Matutu who previously said that they had solid evidence to prove that those on the corrupt list were involved in corruption. Matutu said then:

As we indicated, more names are coming. Unfortunately, when individuals are accused of being corrupt, they want to politicise national issues to get sympathy from the public.

This has nothing to do with Zanu PF internal politics, those accused must separate their interests with those of the party.

We have overwhelming evidence and we’re going to submit it before the commission. That’s all I can say for now.