Harare police arrested leader of  Devine Destiny Network, Ancelimo Magaya, after he was seen leading a group of protesters last week, ZimNews has been told.

There were many anti Mugabe protests staged towards the end of last week in Harare as pressure grows on president Robert Mugabe to step down.

According to eye witness accounts, Magaya and five others emerged at the corner of Nelson Mandela and Julius Nyerere roads, holding a banner demanding an address of the country’s problems, the police immediately arrested them and bundled them into a police truck that was on stand-by.


Some opposition parties have condemned the arrest of Bishop Magaya saying demonstrations were provided for under Zimbabwe’s new national constitution.

Jealous Mawarire, spokesperson of the Zimbabwe People First party led by Joice Mujuru, said the police must exercise restraint when dealing with church organizations.

Mawarire’s sentiments were echoed by Douglas Mwonzora, general secretary of the MDC formation led by former Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.

Bishop Magaya and his colleagues wanted to demonstrate against what his organization called President Mugabe’s misrule, police brutality and the worsening economic situation in the country.