A man from Silawa Village in Maphisa, Kezi, allegedly stabbed his wife to death before committing suicide by hanging himself on a tree following a dispute over suspected infidelity.

CITE understands the woman had discovered that her husband was having an extra-marital affair with a woman from the same community.

The couple who were identified as Jabulani and Nokuthula Moyo, whose ages could not be immediately ascertained, were found dead by neighbours on Tuesday.

One of the neighbours who spoke to CITE on condition of anonymity said Nokuthula’s body was found in the yard with a bloodied knife and log next to it while Jabulani`s body was found hanging from a tree about 50 meters from their homestead.

“This couple had been having marital problems for a while. They were due to go for marital counselling with the headman but unfortunately this fatal incident happened before they could do it,” said the neighbor.

The neighbour said the couple had gone to work on their field that fateful morning and returned home to have breakfast when the fight ensued.

“They returned from the field around 11AM. We suspect the argument may have started while they were having breakfast because their food was half eaten when we arrived.

“There was a log and a bloodied knife next to Nokuthula`s body so we suspect he may have struck her with the log and stabbed her with the knife several times,” the neighbour narrated.

“A minor who had been sent to ask for charcoal is the one who stumbled on Nokuthula’s body. The minor rushed back home to report, that was when we all rushed to the homestead to see what was happening.”

The neighbor said a report was subsequently made to the police who came to collect the bodies.

Matabeleland South provincial police spokesperson Chief Inspector Philisani Ndebele confirmed the incident.

Ndebele urged members of the public to desist from violence and engage third parties to resolve their issues.

“We urge members of the public to try and solve their problems amicably.

“They can talk to traditional leaders, church leaders or even us members of the police. We are here to offer counseling sessions to those who need assistance,” Chief Insp Ndebele said.