Former ZANU PF Member of Parliament for Chivi South Killer Zivhu says Jonathan Moyo is singing for his supper because the Kenyan government is planning to send him back to Zimbabwe.

“Let’s show compassion and understanding. It’s important to remember that Jonathan Moyo is fighting for his freedom.

“The government of Kenya is considering extradition, and South Africa denied him asylum. His situation is difficult, kutuka Chamisa is the only way for him now,” he says.

Moyo who is believed to be in Kenya fled the country at the height of the military coup that toppled late former President Robert Mugabe in 2017.

This apparently came after the ruling party’s Extraordinary Central Committee recommended the expulsion of Moyo for fomenting chaos and divisions in Zanu-PF.

After that, he was later expelled from Parliament as the Tsholotsho North legislator on the 28th of November 2017.
