Kazembe Kazembe, the ZANU-PF Mashonaland Central provincial chairperson has objected calls by some politicians for the return of the party’s exiled former national commissar, Saviour Kasukuwere.

Kazembe says there is no leadership vacuum, hence no place to accommodate Kasukuwere.

In recent weeks, ex-Zanu PF youth members Godfrey Tsenengamu and Jim Kunaka have been calling for Kasukuwere’s return from self imposed exile.

They said his home province (Mashonaland Central) and the nation is critically need his leadership.

Zanu PF is locked in factional turmoil ahead of the party’s elective congress.

There are reported divisions and fierce jostling for posts with camps aligned to President Mnangagwa and his deputy Constantino Chiwenga engaging in a fiery tug-of-war to control the party ahead of next year’s general elections.

The ruling party is set to hold its elective congress towards the end of this year to pick its leaders.

Zanu PF Harare provincial chairperson Goodwills Masimirembwa recently said: “Indeed, there is factionalism in Harare province. President Mnangagwa implored us to deal with it and it will be a thing of the past soon.”

Apparently, main structures in the ruling party have endorsed Mnangagwa as their sole leader into the elections and beyond.

However, these endorsements are nothing much to write home about as the same was said about late former President Robert Mugabe but was toppled.
