Former ZANU PF national political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere has called for Gukurahundi justice amid calls by war veteran Blessed Geza for respect of rule of law.
“Cde Chitepo’s death 50 years ago nearly derailed the fight for independence.
“Dig deeper, those forces have not given up.
“Land reform and indigenisation faced the same forces this time hiding strategically in cabinet committees.
“The 1982 Matebeland disturbances should not escape us,” he said.
He added that the liberation forces ZANLA and ZIPRA were lucky to defeat the Rhodesian enemy forces because the amount of high level informers within their ranks was astounding.
“The liberation struggle was infested and some of the moles have been responsible for dividing the party and weakening it. The day of reckoning is now,” he said.
Apparently, the battle lines have been allegedly drawn as war veterans led by Geza call on the country’s judiciary to act impartially.