Another murder case in Karoi Zvipani area. A 22 year old boy killed his sister and took her head to a businessman called Giant. Who was to give him 4000 dollars for buying a car. On his arrival at Giant’s shop people asked why he had blood all on his shirt that when he disclosed that Giant had promised him $4000  if he brings him a human head. An issue which led to his arrest by the police. So far Giant is on the run.  This happened at 13:00 on 14/07/17

Full story: A bizarre accident has happened in Karoi in which a young man is alleged to have decapitated his own sister’s head on the instructions of a local businessman who is also a Zanu PF Mashonaland West Provincial committee member.

The Hurungwe business man who trades at Zvipani business centre is on the run after the 22 year old man brought him his sister’s head who he is alleged to have killed last Friday.

 According to eyewitnesses in the community, audios which are in the possession of reporters the bizarre incident occurred on Friday when the suspect from Mashonga village under Headman Matau Chief Dandawa decapitated his sister while other family members were away for an all night vigil.

One villager who confirmed the incident Ndangariro Mashonga said the mother came back from church about mid day on Friday only to find her daughter lying in a pool of blood without a head.

 As the word spread around the village the brother was later spotted at Zvipani shopping centre where his buyer identified as Giant was waiting to give him $4000 he had promised for the head.

All was not to be as the killer brother had blood on his trousers that forced some people to ask where he got the blood from. In a flash the buyer bolted from the shopping centre situated about 80 kilometers north- west of Karoi town.

Police in Magunje under which Zvipani falls said they could not immediately comment.