According to a statement issued by the Media Institute of Southern Africa, journalist Godwin Mangudya was assaulted whilst covering the ZANU PF Central Committee Elections.

“Zimbabwean senior journalist Godwin Mangudya was on 8 October 2022 reportedly assaulted by members of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) and ruling ZANU PF activists in the Harare suburb of Kuwadzana while covering the party’s Central Committee elections,” read the statement.

ZANU PF held Central Committee Elections across the country in preparation for the party’s congress scheduled for the end of the month.

Apparently, the ruling party’s camp is said to be burning with some members toying with the idea of having President Emmerson Mnangagwa replaced by his deputy Constantino Chiwenga.

However, the two have on several times denied reports that there is bad blood between them.

A number of provinces have since endorsed Mnangagwa as the party candidate for the much anticipated polls set for next year.

But, critics say endorsement is nothing citing that the same happened to late former President Robert Mugabe who was roundly confirmed as party’s sole candidate ahead of 2018 polls, but was removed by the same people who had endorsed him.

Apparently, Mangudya becomes the latest victim to assault after a News Hawk reporter and member of the Young Journalists Association  (YOJA) Ruvimbo Mildred Muchenje at the Citizen Coalition For Change rally held in Chinhoyi.

Late last month, four journalists from TechZim were attacked by alleged ZanuPF supporters whilst before covering a CCC rally in Gokwe West.

The journalists are said to have been attacked for taking pictures and videos of ZanuPF vehicles blocking a shopping area.

MISA Zimbabwe

In the same statement,  the media watchdog raised worry over the continued attack of media practitioners ahead of the elections.

“MISA Zimbabwe notes with very great concern the continued perpetration of violence against journalists by political party activists, security personnel, and members of the national security.

“… we are now very worried by this upsurge in the number of criminal attacks against journalists as Zimbabwe moves towards its elections next year.

“The role of journalists in covering political parties’ activities is to allow the public to access reliable information and make informed decisions and choices,” read the statement.

Additionally, Misa expressed dismay over the increasing number of media practitioners attacked during the course of executing their duties.

Furthermore, the media watchdog maintains that the role of journalists is crucial in keeping the public informed.

“The role of journalists in covering political parties’ activities is to allow the public to access reliable information and make informed decisions and choices,” MISA said.

Zwnews/ OpenParlyZw