Exiled former minister Jonathan Moyo has urged President Emmerson Mnangagwa who is on annual leave to immediately return to work as covid-19 is ravaging the country.

Mnangagwa started his leave yesterday and is expected to be away until 2 February, but Moyo says the country needs him most at the moment and he should cut his break short and be with the citizens.

“Dear President Mnangagwa, Sir, you need to scrap your holiday and return to work urgently to save lives and livelihoods.

“The #coronavirus is sweeping across the country, leaving people helpless; as they see loved ones dying or failing to get treatment, as #Covid-19 cases spike!,” says Moyo.

Meanwhile, VP and Minister of Health and Child Care General (Rtd) Dr Constantino Chiwenga is expected to give a lockdown press statement, today, 2 January 2020, at 630 pm, 5th Floor Kaguvi Building.

In a related matter, police said they have arrested 2321 people for violating COVID -19 lockdown measures throughout the country on 1st January 2021.

The police added that it appears members of the public are taking the COVID-19 pandemic for granted and are no longer taking precautionary measures.

Apparently, 52 people have been arrested in connection with the Mbare gig and the police said they are looking for DJ Fantan, who operates a recording studio at Block 14 Matapi Flats and David House Entertainment operators for openly defying the Government’s COVID-19 measures on health, safety and security.