Exiled former cabinet minister Jonathan Moyo has warned the opposition parties in Zimbabwe to wary to dirty games played by the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) on behalf of ZANU-PF.

“SOME UNLAWFUL things done by the CIO in every election INCLUDE:

“Running #Twitterbots & ghost accounts for #Zanu-PF Infiltrating & undermining the Opposition for Zanu-PF

“Buying campaign cars for all #ZanuPF parliamentary candidates *Paying for all #ZanuPF polling agents!”

Moyo adds that it is important for the opposition to know the tricks played by their opponent during elections, in order to devise a counter strategy.

“This is important to know, upfront ahead of any election, because it is futile to run against a political party or candidate whose ways and means you don’t know.

“More so where those ways and means are illegal and unconstitutional; yet they predetermine the outcome of an election!”
