Former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) deputy chairperson and Zengeza West legislator Job Sikhala has been convicted of publishing falsehoods.

He was convicted today on a charge of publishing falsehoods prejudicial to the state by Harare magistrate Feresi Chakanyuka.

This is over his 2021 tweet accusing police of killing an infant strapped to mother’s back.

Sentencing to follow…

However, commenting on the matter investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono says Sikhala has been convicted today using a law that does not exist.

He writes:

See below a High Court ruling that clearly stated that such a law doesn’t exist in our constitution.

However because the Zimbabwean judiciary is captured and pliant to politicians, they violate their own constitution and laws!

Where in the world does a lower court override a higher court on a ruling?

This is continued political persecution of Job Sikhala comically using laws that don’t exist!
This is shameful!!!!