Members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police who were deployed at a security roadblock at the 10 kilometre peg along Masvingo-Beitbridge Road intercepted an Inter Africa bus and arrested the bus driver, Tonderai Mafo (48) bus conductor Mberikunashe Allen (25) as well as two passengers after being found in possession of dagga.

On 22 September/24, the bus crew, passengers namely Pauline Mudakuvaka (36) and Alice Mutanda (68) had 62 kilogrammes of dagga.

Meanwhile, in other news police in Mutare are investigating a fatal hit and run road traffic accident which occurred on 22/09/24 at around 0500 hours at the 260 kilometre peg along Harare–Mutare Road near Mutare ZINWA water tanks where a yet to be identified man died after being hit by an unknown motorist.

The motorist did not stop after the accident.

The body of the victim was taken to Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital for post-mortem. Anyone with information is invited to report at any nearest Police Station.

In yet other news, police in Mvurwi are appealing for information which may assist in the investigation of a suspected case of murder in which Norman Muchineripi Mutsigwa (76) was found dead at the 41 kilometre peg along Mazowe-Centenary Road.

The victim was found half dressed with trousers and pants on the knee level.
