Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Walter Mzembi most Zimbabweans and their government are now just wishing the Southern African Development Community SADC summit just come go quickly as the country gets into un-normal gear.


Mzembi says both the rulers and the governed are unease.


“It’s unfortunate some are beginning to think this SADC Summit should come and go soonest so the Country can Reset to normality.


“Instead of celebrating the visitors and the preparations which have evidently lighted up the City and upgraded roads and generally upped standards an atmosphere of fear and distrust has gripped the rulers and the ruled.


“There is an abnormal atmosphere and deep distrust between the State and the governed that is overrating threats and endangering people’s lives.


“Tisavhunduka vanhu zvekudaro! Reminds one how we grew up and were literally hidden away when important visitors arrived after weeks of preparation and asked to go and play outside” Chiendai mundotamba panze” would be the final instruction.


“We would wish the visitors had never come. Lets not get there,” he said.

