Former ZANU-PF National Political Commissar, Victor Matemadanda who reportedly survived an attempt on his life after being poisoned at a function in Marondera last year, says he doesn’t mind if his appointment as Zimbabwe’s Ambassador in Mozambique was a demotion or not, as he is happy to serve.

The ambassadorial post fell vacant in February this year after the death of Douglas Nyikayaramba who succumbed to Covid-19 and was buried at the National Heroes Acre.

Responding to reports in some circles alleging that he was demoted, Matemadanda said he was quiet because of protocol, adding that whether its demotion or not he doesn’t care because what matters to him is that he has confidence in President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

He called on people to say whatever they want over his appointment, adding that there are always some who have something bad to say will always find something to say.

“For me, it’s about fulfilling what i was assigned to do. I want to congratulate Cde Chinamasa for the appointment. I will be available for him if he wants help and I will be here to help the Party as well,” he said.

Meanwhile, ZANU-PF Secretary for Finance, Patrick Chinamasa was appointed the Acting National Political Commissar for the party.

Some time last year, Matemadanda was allegedly poisoned in a suspected assassination attempt. The incident is said to have taken place during a party Provincial Coordinating Committee (PCC) meeting in Marondera, Mashonaland East Province.
