LONDON BORN ZIMBABWE Warriors player Jordan Zemura is set to land in Cameroon today for the remaining two games of the 2021 AFCON tournament after his team cleared him to travel.

Zemura missed the 0-1 defeat to Senegal in the opening Group B match yesterday due to  Covid-19 outbreak at his club AFC Bournemouth.

The Zimbabwe FA confirmed Zemura’s availabilty:

“Jordan Zemura arrives in Cameroon tonight (Tuesday). He is expected in Bana tomorrow. The Warrior delayed joining the team due to COVID-19 related issues,” said ZIFA in a statement.

Zemura is likely to play a big part in Friday’s encounter against the Flames of Malawi and then Guinea next Tuesday as Zimbabwe hunt for points to help them progress from the group stage for the first time.

“Can’t wait to join the boys, and represent my Zimbabwe. Two important games to get out the group everything is possible,” tweeted Zemura.