President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa yesterday summoned his newly appointed ministers to a high level meeting meant to give direction on the course the country is taking.

In his address, President Mnangagwa said this High Level Retreat, following his resounding victory, affords him and his cabinet the opportunity to develop a common understanding of his administration’s people-centred transformative agenda.

“Government, must continue to create an enabling environment for investment. It is my expectation that, over the next five years, Government business will be anchored by the “Whole of Economy and Society Approach to Development.

“Zimbabwe should develop through benchmarking Government services against those of other jurisdictions, cognisant of the adage that, kugara nhaka huona dzevamwe”.

“However, we must remain true to who we are, as a people. Lessons can be learnt from elsewhere, but only adapted to enrich the realisation of our own vision and national priorities,” he said.

However, political commentator Maximilian Lion says Zimbabwe under the current leadership is doomed as it has perfected the art of persecution instead of focusing on things that matter most.

He asks how can this government take the country forward when they excel at being evil and causing so much misery to their own people?

Lion says it was his wish that they would be passionate about ideas and modernising the country the same way they are passionate about rigging elections.

He writes:

I was thinking what Zanu PF is good for or what it is known for as a government.

I was looking for accomplishments, innovative concepts and transformation of the country but found none.

What they perfected is persecution and harassment of the people. They know how to oppress and violate people’s rights. They are good at all the practices that hurt the country and the people.

I wish they invested time and effort in economic transformation and building an efficient health system the same way they weaponise the law.

I wish they took education seriously the way they send innocent people to prison without trial.

How can this government take the country forward when they excel at being evil and causing so much misery to their own people?

I wish they were passionate about ideas and modernising the country the same way they are passionate about rigging elections. I wished they loved people the way they love power and money.

Zim needs leaders who think. Leaders who know where their country is coming from and where it needs to go in light of the changes going on in the world.

Evil leaders cannot build a country, they restrict the space for creativity by persecuting gifted people. Gifted people are seen as a threat hence the government is made up of people who cannot make it on merit.

Oppressed people cannot build a country. Free people can and it takes confident and intelligent leaders to create an environment where people can express their gifts freely. That is what Zim needs. Leaders who are not intimidated by gifted people but see them as an asset to the country.