President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has warned the country’s detractors that their plans to cause chaos in Zimbabwe so that they can steal wealth will not succeed.

He made the remarks while addressing mourners at the burial of national hero Joshua Malinga at the National Heroes Acre.

“Today, the same forces that orchestrated and supported the incarceration, maiming and killing of our cadres for demanding independence and majority rule, come to us masquerading as champions of democracy. We will never forget.

“Day and night they continue in their devious attempts to create chaos, in our country so that they can loot our resources. As a sovereign nation, we will not allow interference in our internal affairs,” he said.

Apparently, Mnangagwa implored the newly elected councillors to emulate Malinga’s legacy, who was once Mayor of the City of Bulawayo.

“Newly elected councillors and management in councils are exhorted to emulate the leadership and sacrifices that were made by luminaries such as our National Hero who realised notable milestones as an Executive Mayor of Bulawayo.

“Newly elected councillors must leave no stone unturned in addressing the many challenges within our local authorities. Our citizens deserve quality service delivery and public officials must deliver. Corruption dereliction of duty and disregard for the concerns of our people has no room in our Governance system,” he said.
