A popular Johanne Masowe prophet who reportedly prophesied the coming of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) scourge has urged Zimbabweans ‘not to panic’, saying the southern African country is protected by the Holy Spirit and that it will soon overcome the ravaging pandemic.
The religious leader, Madzibaba Jonah (real name Biggie Musanzika), whose video about a ‘disease coming from the sea’ went viral in January, said locals must not be in panic mode but follow health tips from the Government as God ‘had told’ him that the disease will soon come to pass.
Madzibaba Jonah said that he was told by the omnipotent deity that coronavirus will soon come to pass. He was also quoted in a private weekly as saying that most people would go insane in 2020 but said ‘we prayed about it and God is in control.’
“This disease will soon pass,” Madzibaba Jonah said.
“God spoke to me on December 31 last year and I told my congregants about the deadly disease, but I was promised that not one of my congregants would be affected and I also prayed for the whole country to overcome,” said the man-of-the-cloth.
He also revealed that in adherence to President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ban on public gatherings during the lockdown, his church has also gone digital and that he has been conducting services through social media.

Private Media

Additional Reporting: Zwnews