Today the High Court heard the application seeking to nullify independent presidential candidate Saviour President Kasukuwere’s candidature.

The Applicant argued that Kasukuwere is no longer a registered voter & is not entitled to participate.

However, Kasukuwere through his lawyers contended otherwise arguing that Applicant had approached the wrong forum and without sufficient evidence to sustain his case.

The presiding judge, Justice David Mangota reserved judgment.

Kasukuwere’s spokesperson Jacqueline Sande said they are upbeat that the application will be dismissed.

This was after ZANU PF activist Lovedale Mangwana took Kasukuwere, ZEC and Justice minister Ziyambi Ziyambi to court complaining that the nomination court erred by allowing Kasukuwere to contest in the August 23 plebiscite.

The ruling party youth, a lawyer argued in his submissions last week that Kasukuwere had ceased to be a registered voter as he has been out of his constituency for over 18 consecutive months.

“The decision by the Nomination Court to accept Kasukuwere’s nomination papers is in violation of the constitution of Zimbabwe.

“The 1st respondent has not been resident in any constituency in the Republic of Zimbabwe for a period in excess of 18 consecutive months and his name cannot, by that circumstance, be retained on the voter’s roll,” he said.
