Ronnie Ngwenya, a former night club manager, has been sentenced to a 12-year jail term after being accused of raping a 13-year-old girl. He was found guilty of aggravated sexual assault but acquitted of two rape charges.

Initially, Magistrate Fadzai Mthombeni handed down a 15-year imprisonment sentence, with three years suspended on the condition that Ngwenya avoids any sexual offenses for the next five years.

Ngwenya’s conviction came after a thorough trial. According to the prosecution, Ngwenya unlawfully entered the girl’s bedroom around 1 am and raped her. He allegedly returned to the room a few minutes later and raped her again. Disturbed by the incidents, the girl sought help from her relatives, who supported her in reporting the assaults to the police. Zvikomborero Mupasa represented the State in the case.

In another distressing event that deeply affected the Chisumbanje community, a Grade 7 student took his own life after experiencing defeat in a video game. The tragic incident involved Kelvin Gwenzi, a 12-year-old from Konjana Village under Chief Garahwa’s jurisdiction. Kelvin’s mother, Ms. Tariro Moyo (36), had left him at their home while she went to Save River to do her laundry. Upon her return, she was confronted with the devastating news that her son had hanged himself, leaving her in profound shock. Assistant Inspector Wiseman Chinyoka, the Deputy Spokesperson for Manicaland province, officially confirmed the incident, which took place on June 18.