A Belvedere housemaid has set tongues wagging for living with two men, both of whom she calls her “husbands”.

Moreblessing Nhema (25) has been in a long-term relationship with a married man named Stephen. 

Just like in a soap opera, Stephen eventually moved in to live with Moreblessing and her other “husband” Beven Nyamoto in their one room.

The unusual arrangement has forced Moreblessing’s cousin, Zvikomborero Mudzinge, to seek alternative accommodation. 

Moreblessing and Zvikomborero’s mothers are sisters.

“My sister could have charmed her husband because she managed to convince him to accommodate her married lover at the same house,” said Zvikomborero.

“The two clashed over the matter and how my sister managed to solve the issue remains a mystery.

“Atova netwo weeks achigarapo Stephen uye avekutoshanda mu tuckshop mavo. Wake mukadzi anogara kumusha.

“I confronted my sister about this and she became angry with me and I decided to look for alternative accommodation. 

“She must have used a strong charm on her husband, or maybe it’s because he is not working,” he said.

However, both Moreblessing and Nyamoto said that Stephen is simply a relative who came to stay with them when he was not being paid for his work elsewhere.

When H-Metro visited the house, Moreblessing was with Nyamoto and Stephen was serving clients at the tuckshop.

Nyamoto confirmed living with Stephen, who he said was his young brother.

“I have been staying with Stephen for the past two weeks,” said Nyamoto.

“He has been working as a garden boy for our neighbour and is like my young brother. My wife’s brother is the one spreading falsehoods that his sister is living with two husbands.

“I do not know where that came from, maybe my wife is the best person to answer that. Stephen told me that his employer was not paying him that’s why I accommodated him.

“He is helping us in the tuckshop and I cannot do that when my young brother is there,” Nyamoto said.  He claimed that Stephen sleeps in the tuckshop.

However, H-Metro was informed that there is no relation between Nyamoto and Stephen.

Stephen told H-Metro that he will leave when he finds a new job.

“I am living here because I was not being paid where I worked. It’s just a rumour circulating in the neighbourhood that I am Moreblessing’s lover, but what I know is that my brother accommodated me.

“I will leave when I find a new job,” said Stephen.

Moreblessing said Zvikomborero was spreading falsehoods because he is fighting her for accommodating her husband’s relatives.

“I do not have two husbands as alleged,” said Moreblessing.

“My brother is the one fighting me because he is against me accommodating my husband’s relatives.

“Arikufamba achiudza vanhu zvenhema nekuti arikurwadziwa nehama dzemurume wangu dzandirikuchengeta.

“Stephen is my husband’s young brother. One of my husband’s sisters also stayed here before, and she left the day Stephen came.

“I have been to the police over Zvikomborero’s behaviour and he is now forcing me to take action for spreading falsehoods about me,” said Moreblessing.

state media