The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) in Gutu, Police have arrested Collen Mawere (43) in connection with a case of murder which occurred on 08/12/23 at Chihambakwe Business Centre, Gutu in which his brother-in- law, Afinos Museka (59) died.

The suspect assaulted the victim with clenched fists once on the head following a heated dispute in which the victim accused the suspect of failing to take care of his children.

The victim subsequently fell on a hard surface and died.

In other news, On 09/12/23, detectives form CID Drugs and Narcotics Harare, acted on received information and arrested Collen Nyakarenga (35) for unlawful Possession of 1 530 kilograms dagga with a street value of ZW$50 000 000.00.

The detectives purported to be potential buyers of dagga and lured the suspect to Skyline tollgate along Masvingo Highway where the suspect was apprehended after he produced a 90 kilograms sack of dagga which was in a silver Toyota Granvia motor vehicle.

The detectives also recovered 16 X 90 kilograms of dagga stored at the suspect’s residence at Brema Farm, Beatrice.
