The government has put in place measures to stabilize prices of basic commodities, the Minister of Finance Mthuli Ncube has said.

He said the government is working hard to expedite the importation of maize, thereby reaffirming its commitment to stabilise the economy.

Ncube also announced health sector incentives for health workers including increase of on call allowances,
increase night duty allowances,
increase COVID and infectious diseases allowances.

Speaking during a press briefing, Ncube said civil servants packages have been enhanced to boost morale and enhance service delivery.

Some of the incentives include -housing loan guarantees for civil servants to be revived,-100 percent salary increment starting July 2022, -performance based awards effective 01 July 2022 and fees for three biological teachers children for first term.

Meanwhile the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s Monetary Policy Committee has added weight to the tight monetary policy stance which the central bank is vigorously pursuing to tame inflation which has been threatening macroeconomic stability.

Among other measures introduced by the MPC to improve economic confidence is to introduce gold coins into the market as an instrument that will enable investors to store value ⁦

RBZ governor John Mangudya says the MPC statement is a clear signal that the central bank is very determined to bring price stability and is sacrificing growth for stability through the tightening of money supply growth.
