A suspected thief who had been going around pretending to be a ghost, as a way to frighten victims in order to steal was recently arrested.

As reported by the national broadcaster, Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation the suspect has been terrorising residents in Gutu.

In a related matter, armed robbers fired several shots this morning as they disarmed guards and robbed a cash-in-transit van collecting cash from Choppies Parklands.

No-one was injured. Stolen amount unknown. The city has seen over a dozen armed robberies just this month.

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Republic Police has since been warning members of the public to be cautious, saying robbery cases is now cause for worry.

The police recently arrested six suspected armed robbers in connection with a spate of robbery cases in several areas.

The suspects were going around identifying themselves as police officers or as members of other security arms of government.

A number of items including police uniforms, pistols, a laptop, explosives, and others were recovered.

-Zimlive/ Zwnews