PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has reportedly ordered payment of compensation of 258 former ZIPRA combatants who were summarily dismissed from the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) during the height of the Gukurahundi atrocities.

The former ZIPRA cadres were relieved of their duties in 1983 under unclear circumstances while two of their colleagues were allegedly shot dead at a parade by one of their commanders.

Speaking at a former ZIPRA cadres meeting held in Bulawayo Saturday, former ZIPRA commander and Zanu-PF politburo member, Tshinga Dube, revealed that Mnangagwa has intervened on the issue.

“May I once more applaud His Excellency for solving the problem of those comrades who were unjustly dismissed from ZNA in 1983,” he said.

“Now, their problem has been solved after almost 40 years and I hear they will be compensated for 40 years salaries and also registered into the pension office.”

He added; “Kutonga kwaro; we must thank HE for keeping his promise to say no one will be left behind.

“I wish to point out a very brave and consistent young man Duke Moyo and his 258 colleagues who fought their case until victory.”

The Zanu-PF politburo member also told the ex-freedom fighters that Mnangagwa has promised to return their properties which were forcibly seized by the government during Gukurahundi atrocities following the “discovery” of an arms cache in some of Zapu’s farms in the Midlands and Bulawayo provinces.

The former ZIPRA cadres contributed their demobilization pay-outs and managed to purchase various properties across the country.

“Most comrades who approached the President were told that the government was willing to hand over the properties provided that we go through the Vice President (Kembo) Mohadi,” said Dube.

Source – NewZimbabwe