Grace Mugabe and Zanu-PF top official Obert Mpofu have been named on the top of a list of top politicians who abused funds from CBZ Bank.

The top officials are alleged to have irregularly acquired loans worth US$160 million between 2010 and 2014 and took advantage of their political connections to get loans without collateral.

Sources say the management of the bank has since resolved to handover the bad debtors to Tendai Biti’s law firm so that they can do debt recovery.

A source who spoke to ZMPost said:

The previous management led by former chief executive Never Nyemudzo was not comfortable in giving out names and contacts of the debtors as he (Nyemudzo) cited banker-client confidentiality.

This is because most of these guys are big fish and powerful and the challenge is there was no collateral to back up the loans.

Some of them have fled the country because of their perceived G40 links and recovering that money will be a major hustle.

Tendai Biti will be handling the case in a bid to recover the funds. He is a neutral lawyer who is not conflicted or compromised in this matter since he has no ties whatsoever with the ZANU PF bigwigs on the list.

Below is the full list of the bigwigs and the amounts they took:Gra

Grace Mugabe $4,5 million
Obert Mpofu $2,5 million
Gideon Gono $2 million
Jocelyn Chiwenga $900k
Andrew Mhlanga $200k
Ignatius Chombo $500k
Douglas Mahiya $75k
Prof Jonathan Moyo $200k
Supa Mandiwanzira $400k
Leo Mugabe $300k
Mandiitawepi Chimene $100k
Happyton Bonyongwe $800k
Olivia Muchena $200k
Didymus Mutasa $375k
Temba Mliswa $350k
Joseph Chinotimba $100K
Job Sikhala $100k
Edna Madzongwe $650k
Mabel Chinomona $88k