Local Government minister July Moyo was yesterday grilled in Parliament over government’s engagement of a notorious company owned by former first lady Grace Mugabe and her ally Saviour Kasukuwere as debt collectors in several local authorities.

A debt collection company that was engaged by most local authorities to collect money owed by residents in most of the country’s urban councils belongs to the G40 faction leadership, Movement for Democratic Change(MDC) legislator Job Sikhala said yesterday.

He said if the Minister of Local Government July Moyo was not aware of the company, Well Cash, this meant he was sleeping on the job.

Moyo said he was not sleeping on the job but would investigate the matter.

Speaker Jacob Mudenda said since the minister had the name of the company he should go and investigate and then make a ministerial statement.

“Knowing the Hon. Minister as I do, he will expeditiously come up with that ministerial statement,” Mudenda said.