When children see a parent or parents repeatedly doing what is wrong, they will see no wrong in it because the parents endorse and practice it

The endless and senseless spending sprees of Zimbabwe first ย lady Grace Mugabe and her sons, Chatunga, Robert and Russell is international news.

Readers in far places like UK are wondering how the country’s first family spends so much in a place where many are sleeping on empty stomachs.

How do they get money to fly out and chatter cargo planes to deliver Rolls- Royce limousines to Harare Airport in a country where banks have run out of cash??

Reacting to questions on why his son with ex-wife Grace, Russell Goreraza, was spending as if cash grows on Harare trees…Stanley Goreraza, in a veiled statement, pointed out that Mugabe’s children(and his son Russell) have been turned into money spending animals by their ย immediate family environment.

Here is his view on behaviour patterns of first family’s children:

There is a saying that goesย “monkey see monkey do”

Russell Goreraza’s car

From the moment children are born, they learn through hearing and seeing. They copy and paste into their minds everything they gather through sight and ears, repeating what they see done and what they hear being said. Some of it will poison their thinking and behavior. It is us parents who program and engineer the future deeds and actions of our children through what we teach them and what they see us do.

A Shona speaking parent will never raise a Spanish speaking child. The child Will learn Shona and maybe later Spanish but that child’s Spanish will never be as good as it’s Shona because Shona is it’s default language, which shapes that child’s thought construction. Children don’t just become who they are, they are made by the influences of their environment.

To understand the behavior and character of any child, we would have to put their upbringing and background under the microscope. It is there that we find the answers that explain their behavior, character and person.

When children see a parent or parents repeatedly doing what is wrong, they will see no wrong in it because the parents endorse and practice it, and they will go and do the same. When they are grown and you try to get them to stop it, it is almost always too little to late.

Your only hope is one day they’ll come around and see the light. stanley goreraza