Gold ouput at Padenga’s mining unit, Dallaglio, was up 12% to 1.66 tonnes in the 9 months to September as compared to the same period last year.

The company may beat the 1.96 tonnes that it produced for the full year in 2022.

Dallaglio operates Eureka Mine in Guruve, which it revived in 2021, and Pickstone near Chegutu, where it has just completed phase 1 of a new underground project.

Gold mining is the most popular type of mining conducted in Zimbabwe.

It has a flourishing market ready to pay the greenback on demand.

Popular gold mining towns include Kadoma, Bindura, Shurugwi, Gwanda, Chegutu, Kwekwe, Zvishavane, Chinhoyi, Shamva and many other towns. Gold is found in every district in Zimbabwe.

Gold is one of Zimbabwe’s major foreign currency earners.
