The lawyer representing opposition political activist Sengezo Tshabangu – who like Douglas Mwonzora is more opposed to the opposition than the ruling Zanu PF – Nqobani Sithole says there are now two CCC parties.

He says there is the Change Champion party led by Nelson Chamisa and the one which emerged from the 2019 Gweru Congress, that he says is an extension of the MDC Alliance.

He doesn’t say who leads the CCC which is an MDC Alliance extension.

According to analysts, this now clearly explains Tshabangu’s agenda: To destroy the legitimate CCC and the opposition like Mwonzora.

Sithole attacks Chamisa, saying he is the Alpha and Omega of his CCC, implying he is a power-hungry dictator.

Tshabangu has previously tried to revive the MDC Alliance in the CCC, simply following on Mwonzora’s footsteps to destroy the main opposition.

“It is an open matter of palpable consternation among our party’s membership that our party, that was formed by the toiling working masses with the agenda to fight for democratic constitutionalism, job creation and sustainable livelihoods, ended up operating structureless, without a constitution, having wantonly and inexplicably disregarded the resolutions of the party’s 5th National Congress held in Gweru in 2019,” Tshabangu said after a recent court ruling in his favour.

The bona fide CCC senior official Gift Ostallos Siziba said: “They don’t know that the same court ruled that the MDC-A was not a legal entity, but conglomeration of 7 political parties.

“He also forgets that the Supreme Court handed over the control and direction of the MDC A to its Mwonzora.

“Not sure of their source of their ignorance, either Tshabangu or the lawyers. I’m not a lawyer and not sure what the law society says about such lawyers who present forged document to a court of law!

“The learned colleagues can guide us the peasants.”
