The ruling Zanu PF‘s Harare South district youth leader, Gerald Rutizirira, (35), was this week arrested for his involvement in the infamous US$2.5 million cash-in-transit robbery that happened in Gwebi last week, Zim morning post reports.

Rutizirira, a land baron famed for his political activism in Harare South, is part of the eight-member gang which allegedly worked in cahoots with three ZB Bank cash-in-transit security personnel namely Nomatter Jonga, Matthew Simango and Fanuel Musakwa.

Zim Morning Post reports that upon his arrest, Rutizirira was found in possession of USS$ 96 100 and he had also bought a recently imported Toyota Hiace Omnibus which costs a minimum of US$10 000 on the market.

A source said:

Gerald is one of the cool land barons here. He was quiet and sold his stands in Ushewekunze area.

He always had challenges with double allocating stands but he was decent and I am shocked with his arrest.

The only time I remember when he had a near-violent confrontation was when he tried to overlap his land deals into Southlands.

A chief baron there called Bigman came here and made noise.

According to the police investigation officer identified only as Inspector Chipwazo, Rutizirira’s red Toyota Hilux double cab was used as the getaway car to transport the loot.

Chipwazo said:

They loaded the cash in a red Toyota Hilux double cab which drove off with some of the accomplices.

It is further alleged that Rutizirira tried to conceal the crime by changing the colour of the getaway car to white but upon his arrest, the paint was still wet.

zim morning post