Charles Mabhena

Team Lacoste seemed to have bagged a win after it successfully lobbied for an election in Masvingo few weeks, with indications that G40 candidate Mutero Masanganise was drubbed by Lacoste’s Ezra Chadzamira by more than 7 500 votes.

It is understood that about 64 percent of the party’s districts in Masvingo managed to vote, in that battle, while about 36 percent failed to cast their votes.

However the results that were being withheld by ZANU PF ever since on account that some districts failed to vote because of floods, have been just nullified and a re-run has been directed.

As factions try to consolidate positions, ZANU PF politburo yesterday ordered a re-run of the elections on the day they were supposed to announce results, which means it is now game on once again.

Information from the supreme body of the ruling party is that the politburo also ordered that some members like Shadreck Mashayamombe should not superintend over the polls because they have vested interest in it.

Chadzamira had previously been suspended as factions in the ruling party take tricky and nasty turns, with members of both G40 and Lacoste accused and counter accusing each other of fuelling factionalism in the party and disrespecting the First Lady Grace Mugabe.

However, his suspension was lifted resulting in him running for the polls.

There has been a lot of action in the two camps and clashes of provincial members have been witnessed in Harare, Bulawayo and Mashonaland Central.

It has also been reported that some members were ganging up against the Youth League boss, Kudzai Chipanga (G40) who replaced Pupurai Togarepi (Lacoste).

Zanu PF is at war with each other as bigwigs prepare for life after Mugabe.

The 93-year-old leader is expected to bow out very soon.