ZANU-PF acting spokesperson Patrick Chinamasa says the party has completed the nomination process of candidates that would contest in the party’s district co-ordinating committees (DCC) elections, as it tries to eliminate G40 infiltration.

Chinamasa says the names of successful candidates have been sent to the politburo for approval.

“DCC vetting of candidates is almost complete and awaits the final list to be approved by the politburo.

“Those considered and those disqualified made appeals.

“All the appeals have been taken back to the provinces and these have been given to the security department to see who has been disqualified as well as those eligible to participate,” Chinamasa said.

However, this comes at time the G40 cabal has been claiming that despite the vetting process by ZANU PF, it would still find its way into the fold.

Exiled former Local Government Minister, Saviour Kasukuwere recently warned that G4O remnants in ZANU PF will prevail in the ongoing DCC elections.

Kasukuwere made the remarks during a Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition virtual public debate held under the theme, “Operation Restore Legacy”: Unpacking the “democratic transition” in Zimbabwe.

Meanwhile, eight provinces, save for Harare and Bulawayo are expected to hold the DCC elections.

DCCs were previously suspended after have been seen as platforms for fanning factionalism.

At one point, DCCs were used as avenues for settling political scores, as they were employed to purge others through votes of no confidence, meanwhile it was later seen that the they were in fact the backbone of the party, hence their return.

Apparently, as important as they are, ZANU PF is very wary of G40 infiltration.
