President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is feeling the factional heat within his party.

This could be noticed from his remarks during the ruling party’s Politburo and Central Committee meetings.

yesterday Mnangagwa warned his top lieutenants in the politburo to shun factionalism and concentrate on contributing to the growth of Zimbabwe’s economy.

Mnangagwa told the politburo of his party that it was time to put personal interests aside and begin to work for ZANU PF as a collective.

He rebuked the war veterans and pointed to the party’s rule book on how to settle internal disputes.

Meanwhile, Mnangagwa addressed his party’s Central Committee this afternoon.

Below are his address:

Address by His Excellency to the ZANU PF Central Committee on 27th June 2024

Today’s meeting held after a successful quarter with stabilization of the macro-economic environment anchored by the ZiG currency.

Zimbabwe to assume the Chairmanship of SADC at the summit on 17th and 18th August 2024.

Loss of notable liberation heroes: Brigadier General Shadreck Vezha, Cde. Nyasha Dzimiri, Cde Grace Tsitsi Jadagu, and Brigadier (Rtd) Cde. Romeo Ronald Mutsvungama, who will be interred on 1st July 2024.

Approaching the one-year mark since elections with pride in the successes achieved.

Delivery of election promises and improvement in the quality of life for the grassroots.

Emphasis on working harder and being responsive to the needs of the people, ensuring no one is left behind.

Concrete benefits of policies will win the hearts of the populace and endear them to ZANU-PF.

Adherence to principles of building the Party based on concrete structures from the cell/village level.

ZANU-PF must avoid preoccupation with filling executive positions without a base.

Focus on placing more young people in Party structures during the restructuring exercise.

Exposure of those attempting to buy their way into ZANU-PF and manipulate restructuring.

Invocation of Article 37 Section 549 of the constitution for undisciplined and ambitious members.

Responsive government policies have led to economic growth and stabilization despite challenges.

Protection and sustenance of a conducive business environment, unity, peace, and harmony.

Support for hardworking, talented young entrepreneurs to innovate and produce local goods.

Commencement of production at Dinson Manhize plant and resuscitation of mines like Kamativi.

Congratulation to winter wheat farmers for surpassing national planting targets.

Advancement of engagement and re-engagement efforts at international summits in Korea and Russia.

Awareness of challenges affecting Former Liberation Movements and the African region.

Addressing rogue elements peddling falsehoods and instigating civil disorder.

Zero tolerance for destabilization efforts to disturb national security and peace.
