FIVE people, who died on Saturday when the Toyota Allion they were travelling in collided with a BM Transport bus along the Harare-Masvingo Road, were all relatives.

They were coming from paying lobola, H-Metro has established.

The deceased have been named as Varaidzo Musapurwa (32), Maila Dungwizha (1) Tatenda Kisi (22), Mudonhi Chihuri (33) and Alexio Kamumvuri (48).

“The accident happened when they were coming from paying lobola.

“As a family, we are very saddened as this is something that we were not expecting.

“When I received the phone call, I couldn’t believe it. We rushed to the scene and saw that their vehicle was a wreck. We were so shocked,” said a relative.

He said they were all buried in Karoi.