An apparently exhausted Bulawayo man has sensationally dumped his lover as he allegedly failed to withstand the woman’s unquenchable appetite for sexual intercourse.

Stanford Dambwara (main picture) who resides in Mzilikazi suburb has already approached the courts of justice, seeking a protection order from his lover Senzeni Mayisa, who at one time attempted to commit suicide after the former had refused to have sex with her.

Mayisa, a till operator at a supermarket in the second city is also alleged of excessively and unrelentingly demanding for sex by her man.
When her man reportedly refused to ‘have a nice time’ with Mayisa in bed, she reportedly tried to commit suicide by stabbing herself with a kitchen knife.

Fed up with the wild appetite for sex from his estranged woman, Dambwara who is also a lecturer at a city college, last week approached the courts seeking a restraining order against Mayisa.

He submitted that they have been in love since November 2019 but when the relationship was no longer working, Mayisa started threatening and harassing Dambwara.

“Her behaviour is very bad and the following is what she has been doing leading me to apply for a protection order: She would threaten to come to my place to cause havoc. She once came and made noise with other tenants while accusing me of helping one of them to operate a shebeen. That very night she attempted to rape me and tore my pair of trousers after I refused to undress,” he submitted.

Dambwara said after she failed to rape him, Mayisa took a knife and attempted to commit suicide.

“I grabbed the knife and threw it outside. I can’t stay with someone who is forcing me to make love to her when I’m not interested. She is also threatening to come to my workplace to harass me in front of the students,” he complained.

To punish Dambwara for refusing to make love with her, Mayisa allegedly demanded back all the gifts she bought for him and the money she gave him during the subsistence of their relationship.

But on the other hand, Mayisa denied Dambwara’s allegations and said they were still dating.

“What he said is not true. I am still in a relationship with him and I go to his house every Sunday. Although we are no longer in good books, he hasn’t told me that he no longer loves me,” she said.

Mayisa was ordered by presiding magistrate Adelaide Mbeure to stay away from her estranged lover’s house and workplace and also to desist from verbally harassing and threatening Dambwara in a bid to maintain peace between the two.

state media
Additional Reporting: Zwnews