ZANU PF aspiring candidate for Bikita South Energy Mutodi has threatened to take Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa to court for allegedly spreading fake news concerning him.

“We will take legal action against CCC President Nelson Chamisa for publishing this defamatory video falsely claiming it was me involved.

“Fake news being channelled by CCC is meant to mislead the international community into taking a position the August 23 Elections will not be free & fair,” he says.

Mutodi adds that after inciting public violence in Baradzanwa, Chamisa went on to launch a cyber attack against him.

“Nelson Chamisa incited public violence at Baradzanwa when he came there on 6 July to address his supporters who from thereon, after stoning ZANU PF cars, engaged in cyber warfare involving defamation and deliberate misinformation in order to mislead US & Swedish Embassies,” he says.
