Image: Homeland Security Today 

By Barbara Mutedzi

Good morning

This week’s advice: Embrace and Partner Up with Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI has so much more capacity to take away activities that are repetitive and brain numbing.

These are the types of activities that are not connected to your ability to innovate, play and co-create your life, leadership and business.

Partnering up with AI, allows us to delegate and automate these tasks, thus opening brain space, time, power and energy to create and innovate in many more ways that we could never fathom.

Speed and efficiency have become even more paramount, as there is more competition in people, products and services on the global platform.

For any long-term transformational growth at personal, professional and business growth, this is the time to see how we can partner up and leverage AI, whilst homing in on the skills that AI cannot, I believe, genuinely replicate.

Not another human, nor any form of AI could generate who You are within.

It may seem as if it is truly feasible with all the grand and commendable advancements that AI is making, however, You are unique to You. When I speak about the YOU here, I am speaking about the person within you.

Not your role, title, social standing and so on, but the being YOU are inside of your personhood.

The more self-aware you are of this inner Being within You, the better able you are at living, leading and doing business from this deep authentic space. This space has remained and remains constant throughout all your ages and stages of your life, whether you are conscious of it or now.

No AI and nor other Human knows this space much more than the intelligent all seeing part of you.

And so the more you not only become deeply aware of this part of you, but you also align all areas of your life with it, the better able you are at staying grounded within your true inner and authentic identity.

The identity on the outside is fleeting at best as it fluctuates with the changing environment. The environment within you, remains the same.

It is truly an exciting time and elevated time for conscious deeply aware leaders to take the lead, as they consciously and from a deep space of self-awareness, collaborate and create psychologically safe environments for their teams to thrive and flourish!

As you know, Conscious leaders have high levels of Emotional intelligence, which is the result of high levels of self-awareness, which in itself is the process of self-inquiry, resulting from the continual habit of questioning everything. Deep self-awareness is a ‘catalyst for change’; one that leads to and is a ‘pre-requisite of transformation’.

This from Richard Rudd in his book: Genius: A Guide to your Activation Sequence’.

So for any transformation to happen for any business, alongside technological and other developments, conscious leadership is the way to go. It embeds both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ skills; female and male energies; all working in harmony to produce and perform at even higher levels.

The higher the performance, the higher productivity is. All leaning into adaptable and therefore sustainable ROI. Do you have, or have you and are Developing skills that won’t / can’t be automated?

Real-Life Example I know that a lot of people, depending on the generation in which you were born, as well as your Mindset around growth and rapid transformation, including at times the resources one has access to, are afraid of the digitalized world because of its rapid expansion, lack of knowledge as well as distrust of it because of the advent of the ‘Big Brother’ era.

There are however, ways we can leverage AI in a way that helps us become more of who we already are, that’s if we have taken the time to explore that, and to allow us more time to focus on the things that we really want to explore and spend most of our time on.

Becoming more of who you authentically are is becoming an increasing skillset as we move through this digitalized world, which is essentially a mock-up of all information out there, categorized and made to be easily accessible.

The question to ask yourself is: Are You Easily Replicable as the Genuine Authentic Being That You Are You? No You Are Not. At All. No-one else can live, lead and run a business, in the way that you and your special ‘flavor’ can.

A few years ago I was hired by an organization to prepare and facilitate workshops with its employees on Delivered to Accessed Learning. Shifting the Mindset.

In the presentation I included some research I had completed. Five (5) of the slides included a list of: Jobs at high risk of automation: Technologies likely to be adopted by 2025 Jobs that were on increasing demand due to automation and digitalization Jobs that were decreasing in demand.

Top 15 skillsets that would be needed for 2025.

I have placed slides that have points 1-4 in the next section below.

For this section, here are the 15 skillsets listed as being high in demand for 2025: (i) Analytical thinking and innovation, (ii) Active learning and learning strategies, (iii) Complex problem-solving, (iv) Critical thinking and analysis, (v) Creativity, originality and initiative, (vi) Leadership and social influence, (vii) Technology use, monitoring and control, (viii) Technology design and programming, (ix) Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility, (x) Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation, (xi) Emotional intelligence, (xii) Troubleshooting and user experience, (xiii) Service orientation, (xiv) Systems analysis and evaluation, and (xv) Persuasion and negotiation.

Now, if you look at this list, I believe that in whichever one you pick, no one item or skillset can be achieved in the way, YOU can achieve them.

You have a unique signature in the way that you will analyze and then innovate, the way that you learn is unique to you, problem-solving is aligned to the way you learn and experience your world and so on and so on. Each aspect is unique to your unique flavor.

Can you also see that Emotional Intelligence is on the list. Emotional intelligence is the result of self-awareness.

The Self is You. No-one else.

All this is to say that the more you know YourSelf, the better able you are to stand tall in your authenticity and to be in the top population of genuine, authentic beings that equally genuine people want to follow, work with and be led by.

We attract what we are. Don’t be afraid of leveraging AI. it has nothing on you when it comes to your unique flavor.

Supporting Research The information below, will help you, should you be a leader in these positions, to up level your skillsets, as well as to attend and to provide training for your people in other areas that they would like to move to, as the world transforms and digitalizes.

This is also an opportunity for us to explore which AI platforms can then take over of the roles that are becoming increasingly automated.

*Barbara Mutedzi is a life coach