ZANU PF loved acting Harare Mayor Stewart Mutizwa expressed satisfaction with civil works undertaken at Pomona.

“This is a project and we are part of it, part of the deal. As part of our equity we are going to be supplying the deal with all garbage from the city,” he says.

Mutizwa says what is in the agreement is a yearly payment which council is going to pay as equity in terms of entry fees.

“We are partners in this business and going to share the spoils at the end of the day,” he says.

Mayor Mutizwa said the generation of between 22 to 25 megawatts of electricity will see Harare City Council reaping huge rewards.

“What we are witnessing here is a massive development. We are very much happy with the progress so far made by Geogenix at this plant,” he adds.

However, Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume from the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) says council will try by all means to reverse this ‘corrupt’ deal.

Speaking to the media recently, Mafume said the local authority will not pay a foreign company as the deal demands.

Apparently, the government says the Pomona model is going to be replicated in other cities.

Speaking after touring the dumpsite, Infor, Publicity & Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa hailed GeoPomona for having started construction works.

“We want to say to Geogenix we are impressed with what you are doing.
